
Webring & Community Mesh meets Knowledge Graph

Entities in Constellations

  • Topics: i.e. domains of interests
  • Content: i.e. articles and videos.
  • Projects: i.e. events, repositories
  • Resources: i.e. event spaces, sponsors
  • Simulations: i.e. Simulate the Universe simulations


  • Private Layer: most contacts cannot be shared, so constellations can manage them to be private in-organization or just for you, see Constella Telescope
  • Repositories: each repository can store several Community Mesh. add your own mesh to your constellations tool.
  • Schema: there is a standard JSON schema-based data format for constellations.
  • Start with a no-code MVP: using Creatorsgarten Wiki, MediaWiki, Airtable or Google Sheets as a backend.
  • Code names: Community Mesh, Star Map, Star Charts, Community Graph, Constellations

Dynamic Loading of Layers

  • As the user zooms in to the graph, we dynamically load each layers.
  • Creatorsgarten Universe: main repository of constellations.
  • Layer 1: domains/tags/topics
  • Layer 2: organizations/communities/groups/working groups (WG)
  • Layer 3: people, project, assets, resources, venues
  • Layer 4: articles, blogs, simulations

Visual Moodboard

  • As the Community Mesh looks like a "constellation" of stars. It might be easier to visualize that way.
  • Use graphics inspired by ADHD alien to represent stars

Discord Bot

  • Can integrate with GartenBot somehow?
  • Federates projects, people and working group invitations across servers. Helps to federate discord servers.
  • Invitation and search commands, e.g. /invite @Traffy, works across verified channels.
  • Helps to find implementors for open models e.g. Hack Vax. Tech Thaiban seems to be interested

Integrating with Constellations

  • can provide information into Constella's network, and also pull information from it.

Integrating Open Source Ring and Sitegraph with Constellations

Integrating Simulate the Universe with Constellations

  • Simulate the Universe simulations can make use of constellations.
  • Stores and visualizes the graph of simulations in Totality Editor.
  • Not only used for simulations, but also for visualizations (e.g. learning LeetCode), learning 3D rendering, learning programming concepts or web development.

Integrating EventKit with Constellations

  • Bonfires can utilize data from Constellations for organizing events, by resolving assets from templates.
  • Concept art for EventKit and Constellation integration is in Notability
CleanShot 2023-04-30 at 3.08.07@2x.png

Federated supergraph and proxying

  • Federated supergraph with repositories, i.e. using GitOps
  • Providing caching proxies for federation for main repositories.
  • Add repositories to constellations, then resolve them on client-side. Use server-side caching proxies when available.

