

CLI and productivity tooling content page for developers who want to be productive, and learn more about how to use the command line to do cool things efficiently.


  • Every developers should have their dotfiles and be productive.
  • Be curious and keep optimizing and learning.
  • Curlable, adaptive and hackable dotfiles.

1. Building your dotfiles

  • Every engineer should have their own dotfiles.
  • Building your first dotfiles
  • Personal docker container setup (cross-environment)
  • Adaptive installation script
  • Curlable, hackable, adaptive

2. Hacking your editor

  • Neovim, Emacs, VSCode, JetBrains IDE
  • Use NeoVim as perfect IDE? (nvim-lsp, treesitter, fzf)
    • Transitioning to Neovim?

3. Optimizing your terminal DX

  • Shell Basics (Fish, Zsh, Tmux)
  • Unix Basics (Sed, Awk, Fzf, Rg, Xargs, etc.)
  • Automating and building things
