Second Brain Dashboard

  • Card Visualizer: Visual interface for my second brain
    • Visualize thoughts and projects into cards
  • Command Palette
  • Integrate with Raycast/Alfred
  • Integrate with macro/automation tools - Keyboard Maestro/BTT
  • Regex match title segments capture group as fields, eg. Objective: <objective>
  • Review dashboard - see projects behind schedule, projects with the most changes or interactions
  • Weekly review eg. This week's completed tasks stats, review on each areas, projects and researches
  • Dump JSON of changes for further data analytics of your own productivity data
  • Notify or lists on new projects that requires mapping
  • Aggregate stats and important data across apps (eg. task count, file count, tag usage count, today tasks) - log and graph them
  • Correlation tools eg. With your timing tracker + task tools
  • CLI and API for quick operations
  • Rust with Tauri
  • Review Dashboard
  • Hotlinking
  • UI for matching projects across apps - auto create project schema and mapping metadata/configuration
  • Bank Scraping
  • Linting and Validation eg. Folder Structure must match across services
  • Launchpad Integration
  • Mobile App
  • Things 3 integration (Things DB Watcher)
  • macOS sync daemon
  • Raycast Integration
  • Cloud Cache and Sync
  • Global Options via API
  • Automatron Dashboard
  • Budgeting/Finance
  • Today View
  • PARA View - per project, app and resources.
  • Graph View
  • Workflow Schema in JSON/YAML/TS
  • Workflow Graph View
  • Zettelkasten
  • Bounded Context/Scope eg. work, garden, blog, personal, brikl, creatorsgarten
  • Garden and Blog publishing tool - sync or push to git repo
  • Use file metadata or hashtag to indicate publishable content - unpublished by default
