- The fastest way to learn.
- Reflect upon what you've learned.
- Poom's Projects: Podcasts, Videos, Streams?
- Start live-coding!
- Write blogs, articles and simulations to learn new topics.
- Write blogs or memos in public digital gardens about books that I'll be reading.
- Start writing content in my personal blog.
- Start Poom.dev
- Get into open source
- Maximize my web development skills
- Read more books
- Improve the quality of my talks
- Create a blog
- Create a personal site at poom.dev or heypoom.com
- Share projects, experiences and stories
- Restart TerminalDaily.com
- Make the thing you wish you had found when you were learning.
- Example
- write blogs and tutorials and cheatsheets
- speak at meetups and conferences
- ask and answer things on StackOverflow or Reddit
- make Youtube videos or Twitch streams
- start a newsletter
- draw cartoons.
- Avoid walled gardens e.g. slack and discord, as they’re not public.
- Don’t judge your results by “claps” or retweets or stars or upvotes - just talk to yourself from 3 months ago.